Veerasundaravel's Ruby on Rails Weblog

November 26, 2014

Rails find_each method with order option

Filed under: Rails3, Ruby, Ruby On Rails — Tags: , , , , , , , — Veerasundaravel @ 9:36 pm
Rails find_each or find_in_batches methods are looping through a collection of records from the database.
This batch processing methods allow us to work with the records in batches, thereby greatly reducing memory consumption.
Person.find_each(:conditions => "age > 21") do |person|
But major drawback with these methods isĀ  - ordering/sorting the records by primary key id, hence we cannot specify our own order_by.
order_by(:created_at).find_each == FAIL!!!
class ActiveRecord::Base
  # normal find_each does not use given order but uses id asc
  def self.find_each_with_order(options={})
    raise "offset is not yet supported" if options[:offset]

    page = 1
    limit = options[:limit] || 1000

    loop do
      offset = (page-1) * limit
      batch = find(:all, options.merge(:limit=>limit, :offset=>offset))
      page += 1

      batch.each{|x| yield x }

      break if batch.size < limit

July 2, 2014

Rails – Force update ActiveRecord updated_at column

Filed under: Ruby On Rails — Tags: , , , , , , — Veerasundaravel @ 12:11 am

When we usually modify any specific column/field in our model, Active-record will check whether the corresponding value is new or not.

If it is new then only it will create a DB query and update that value with current timestamp in updated_at column, if there is no change in existing value means it will only fire commit query only. There wont be any change in updated_at column.

So if we want modify the timestamp of updated_at field without updating any field means, we can follow any of below two methods:

Method 1:
user.update_attributes(:name => “same old name”, :updated_at =>

Method 2:

Both of above two methods will modify updated_at value with current timestamps even if there is any change in other fields or not.


October 10, 2012

Rails Caching With Query Parameters

Filed under: Caching, Rails3, Ruby On Rails — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Veerasundaravel @ 2:17 pm

Rails has various effective ways of caching contents like page caching, action caching, fragment caching etc. But some time we may need to use low level caching of Rails.cache in order to store some HTML fragments or some hash values etc that can be used some where else later on.

Rails.cache.write takes two value: key and a value
> Rails.cache.write 'foo', 'bar'
=> true

# We can read an object back with read
> 'foo'
=> "bar"

# We can store a complicated object as well
> hash = {:this => {:is => 'a hash'}}
> Rails.cache.write 'complicated-object', object
> 'complicated-object'
=> {:this=>{:is=>"a hash"}}

# We can use fetch as the combination of write and read.
Rails.cache.fetch 'complicated-object', object


Params as Cache Key:

Most of the Rails actions comes with multiple parameters, so when we cache any result inside the controller’s action we may need to assign the parameter values as cache key. So that we will get unique key combination for different action parameters.

Rails.cache.fetch(params.sort.flatten.join("_"), object)

Assume that the following params:

params = {:controller => 'books', :action => 'index', :status => 'stock-avail', :start_price => '$100'
, :end_price =>"$200", :delivery => 'by-post', :discount_start => "10%", :discount_ends => "20%",
 :language => 'english', :cover => 'available', :sort => "posted_date", :preface =>
 "available-on-request", :ebook => 'available-on-request'}

Then our cache key will become very unique for the supplied params as below:


But cache key should be less than 255 characters long to keep the file system happy. If cache key is greater than 255 chars, then it will throw an error like Errno::ENAMETOOLONG (File name too long) etc.


How to avoid too long cache key:

One of the best option to shorten the cache key would be, simply have the generated cache key run through a hash like MD5 or SHA1. This way we can get predictable cache key lengths.

Rails.cache.fetch(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params.sort.flatten.join("_")), object)

It will modify the cache key as follows:

Rails.cache.fetch('5c059024747e813d0fa5ec8fab890be473eab63a', object)
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